Lesbian Wink

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Braving January January 13, 2010

     January is the month I was born. For me this cold and gloomy month has always been one of mixed blessings. My first vivid memory of  January occurred when I was just a kid. My family moved across town when I was in first grade. To comfort me, my mom promised me I could invite all my friends from the old neighborhood to come to my sixth birthday party. Then it snowed four  inches, and you know the rest. Nobody drives in Atlanta in four inches of snow. I know how ridiculous it is that I still think about that. Pathetic, right?

     On a cherrier note, there have been many Januarys in the past that were absolutely fantastic. One of my favorites was spent in Key West. Now that’s a great destination spot for the winter. No, I’m not trying to sell you a vacation, nor do I work in the travel industry. I’m just saying, there’s no reason to suffer if you don’t have to. Plus the gay and lesbian scene in Key West thrives with many new friends and acquaintances awaiting your introduction.

     Traveling south is definitely the answer, once you brave the humiliation of those new scanners at the airport, I’m talking about the ones where a perfect stranger checks you out on an x-rated machine that shows you naked as a  jay bird. Needless to say, I’m driving more these days, and flying less. But this month I’d gladly endure posing nude for the security personnel at the airport, if it meant getting the hell out of Atlanta for awhile.

     If you talk to people about January, most are simply hoping to get through the month. Thankless as months go, January is such a letdown after the holidays, that it is no wonder that we all suffer a bit during this thirty-one day blast of reality, with spring a faraway dream, and the gray of the days bearing down on us, oppressive and dreary. I heard that, and yes this blog promises to have a positive message, so don’t stop reading now, lest you miss the best part.

     The good news, and I know you were praying I’d get to it, is that January gives us a great opportunity to relax and attend to more cerebral matters. Sitting in front of a roaring fire with a great book and a loyal dog by our side, seeming every bit the Norman Rockwell fantasy, can go a long way towards cheering us up. And if you are more the tv/movie viewer and not prone to read, then cable TV and in particular LOGO, can offer you hours of couch potato bliss.

     And if you can’t find just the right book, then why not trap a playmate in bed for some exercise and good times. Snuggling in winter is mandatory and should be viewed as one of the perks of the season. With no yard to be cut and no bushes to be pruned and hours of free time, winter is perfect for experimenting in bed. What better way to kill an afternoon than to role play with your favorite girlfriend. And if you’re the type that has a hard time getting relaxed and doing the nasty before the sun goes down, I highly recommend starting off with a massage and picnic in bed.

     Whatever you do, resist feeling sorry for yourself or reading anything depressing this month. It is simply too easy to dwell on the negative forces in the universe when your teeth are chattering and every tree stands naked in disgust, waiting patiently for the upcoming spring fashion show. Stick with Disney movies and more uplifting books when possible. And if you must indulge, being one of those intense lesbian types who enjoys suffering, and I know you’re out there, then give yourself a timetable to purge all the gloom and doom from your soul…maybe two days or so. And while you’re at it, refill that anti-depressant prescription too, just to be on the safe side.

     Finally, I will stop torturing you, leaving you with one least thought. Have you ever felt more alive than you do when the wind climbs up your coat numbing your bare skin, as you walk across a parking lot to your car. You have to admire intensity like that, a force that will not be ignored, a power who’s greatest gift is the deeper appreciation it gives us all, as we relish the first warm kiss of spring.